Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why I'm Here

(taken from tumblr)
I guess I've wanted to start a blog for a while. I really enjoy reading them and getting a little glimpse into other people's lives. The only reason I've hesitated in making one myself is because I wasn't sure if I wanted to make the commitment of starting a blog and sticking with it. Who knows if when I'll just get bored of it and give up? That seems to happen a lot with me.

I try to live for the moment and not be tied down by anything, but at the same time it's comforting to record little moments of my life so that I can come back and look at them later. I'm very much a visual person, and I like having neat little pictures of my adventures recorded somewhere for me to see.

Oh and the other thing is that I'm not sure what I would write about. I read a few fashion blogs, a few travel ones, and one or two that are just photography or general musings on life. So I guess mine will be a mixture of all of those. There will be a good amount of fashion posts, because I am interested in that, but it won't be the entirety of this blog. So if you're interested in what some girl from New York has to say, stay. If not, feel free to move on.