Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekly Thoughts: Week 1

I'm going to start this new feature on my blog...basically it's just going to be a short list of my thoughts at the end of each week. Just things on my mind, things I've been doing, things I like, etc. They'll usually be posted either on Saturday or Sunday. Alright, now let's see how this goes. (:

 Weekly Thoughts: Week 1
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 001. When I was little, I used to love the beach. Every summer, I would beg to go, and honestly I could have stayed in sand for days at a time. The rest of my family however, always preferred to go hiking, or just go visit the mountains up North in New York. They never liked how it was so hot on the beach, and they liked the cool weather up North. I never liked going to the mountains because I thought that it was boring and had too many mosquitoes. A few years ago though, I started liking hiking. I don't even know how it started; one day we followed this guided tour, and the tour guide led us up this mountain. We were all climbing over rocks, and pushing aside bushes, and it was just so much fun to me. After that, I wanted to go hiking alll the time. Not that I don't still love the beach, I still do, but now hiking is one of my favorite things to do. Can't wait for summer so that I can go places again. Ugh.

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002. Macarons. Seriously these things are so good. When I was in Paris my friend's host family bought us a box of these from some famous bakery, and they were delicious. I think I was addicted to them haha - I even bought one at the airport, which wasn't nearly as good. I need to go out and buy a box of these.

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003. Movies. There are just so many I've been wanting to watch, and I just don't have the time. I can pick so many just from this picture that I want to see...I definitely need to watch more movies this summer as well.

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004. Road Trips. Another thing that I did as a little kid but never really liked. When I was young my family and I would go on road trips basically every summer. We drove all the way across the country on two different occasions, and we've also driven all the way down to Florida. I used to think they were so boring, because I'd have nothing to do on the car. But looking back, it was pretty fun to just look out the window at the scenery, watch movies in the car, play games with my mom, and eat loaddds of junk food. Unfortunately we never seem to have much time for these anymore.

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005. I'm studying for the U.S. History SAT II's and there is soo much information to memorize eeeep. I've been trying to read through my prep book but it's hard to concentrate with the weather so nice outside. I just took a practice test last night and I got a 680. The test is about three weeks away and I'm aiming for above a 760 so gotta start studying more. But I have to balance this with all my finals and three papers and a project to do, and I'm just so overwhelmed right now. Oh yeah and this picture and it's relevance...again, when I was a little kid, I loved learning about Native Americans. I just thought it was really cool how they seemed to be so self-sufficient and I loved trying to make "moccasins," or "arrowheads." Of course these never turned out well. Ahhh gotta start studying more!


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